picture viaLight is a critical element in the home. Regulation of slick, make each room appear more beautiful and more effective functioning.
Light used to illuminate an object to create a beautiful atmosphere and exotic. Though simple, design a lighting system may be quite complex dilata. Many things to consider, among other functions of space, character building, the characters, the events, also want the atmosphere created.
In line with the development of technology and design innováis, artificial light can be played at will.
Using the dimmer, light intensity can be regulated at the heart to obtain the appropriate atmosphere mood. This is quite different from the sun. Intensity and "color" natural light source is very depending on location and time.
Any decision that you specify, will be very influential on all aspects of the room. Light and shadow can create a decorative element or furniture look more beautiful.
With the light, you can make a room feel comfortable for the activity. Light can also make a room so quiet, so perfect for relaxation. Conversely, the poor will not be making the room comfortable for both of them.
In general, there are three types of lighting, ie, general lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.
General Lighting is the main lighting in the room marked with this type of light on some of the work point to illuminate the room evenly. For example by placing a light berwatt in the middle of the large ceiling or put some of the light source switched on at the same time.
To get it, you just put a light in the middle of ceiling area home. Another way is to put some light. For example, by placing some of downlight and Spotlight on the ceiling.
Task Lighting As the name implies, this type of lighting works umtuk enlightening on the specific object. For example, in the areas of the kitchen table, reading area, or bend and clothing. Unlike general lighting, task lighting to shine a light a certain area. In the kitchen, the type of lighting is usually installed under the kitchen cupboard. Its function is to illuminate the kitchen table and help the food processing. In the reading room, task lighting to illuminate the reading area.
Task lighting is also used to illuminate the work of art in painting or sculpture in a wall display rack. Flash of light as the light on the limited areas, task lighting can occur through the use of Spotlight, a standing lamp or desk lamp.
Accent Lighting is a type of lighting up the atmosphere dramatically. Its function is to create a mood in the room. This type of lighting can be obtained by placing the lamp walls, track lighting, or the houses have lights that highlight the shape and direction of party.
To create a mood, accent lighting is used illuminate paintings or works of art. Type of lighting is also obtained by placing the lamp on the floor or the bottom of the wall. To keep out the light display more flexibility, added to set the dimmer level light light light
About Lights
Light consists of seven colors, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. The seven colors can be parsed using a prism. Light fragmentary is known as the color spectrum.
People can see the color of an object if the object is exposed to light. Appears red because it absorbs all of the color spectrum, spectrum except red. Black object absorbs all the color spectrum, and if the white toss back the entire spectrum light mengenainya.
As a form of energy, moving at speed of light 299,792,458 meters per second. Light also has a wavelength that is different. This is the wave length by the human brain to interpret as color.
Red has a wavelength terpanjang, while the purple off. To measure the presence of this light, used a special tool. Unit level information (temperature), iluminasi (lux), iluminasi flux (lumen), luminasi intensity (Candela) usually used as benchmarks to measure cuantiÃtas light.